Peace be Still
The Good Lord has freed me from NY after 5 generations of taxes and traffic not to mention hurricanes and corporate pains. Yes, I'm free, free, free at last. I was a little worried last summer when my house wasn't selling as fast as I hoped. Ever since New Orleans the media had been predicting many hurricanes for the summer of 2006 heading up the coast hitting NY. What an evil wish, but even in my dreams I saw Long Beach flooded with the oceans seas. Most of my dreams come true within a year or two. I had hoped to sell my house before the hurricane season started, but with a slow market I would be lucky to sell by October. I felt the weight of the world upon me in June of 06. I went to my priesthood leader and requested a blessing to help me bare my burdens. After which I went to the Lord in mighty prayer. He spoke to me by the still small voice and said, "Peace be still there will be no hurricanes for you this season." How true his words turned out to be and how wrong the media was. However, the greater sign was when I arrived at our fully furnished Condo in SLC upon Capitol Hill. In our bedroom upon the wall was a large painting of the Savior standing on the bow of a boat with his fearful disciples. His hand was stretched out over the stormy sea as he said, "Peace be still." I knew than as I know now that this is the place the Lord would have me be for outside our bedroom window shines the most glorious Salt Lake Temple.
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