Saturday, February 17, 2007

Atoning Grace

Having been raised a Lutheran I always had a natural belief in Jesus Christ and knew by the power of the Holy Ghost that he was indeed the very Son of God. However, in my mid-teens I began questioning “the just believe and be saved teaching”. In fact I used this logic to leave the church and seek for greater answers out in the world. I reasoned that I already believed and thus I was saved so why go to church. Mind you I was a teen who wanted to justify going out into the world and experiment upon life without feeling guilt. However, I sincerely believed there was something more I needed to do to be saved. I safe guarded my exit with a promise to God that if I didn’t find this greater answer and died in my sins I would call upon the name of Jesus to be saved. My journey took me to Woodstock in 1969 where I had a NDE and called upon the Lord who delivered me from my hell and gave me another chance at this life. Within 9 months of that experience I was led by the Holy Spirit to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. So by his grace I was saved to come into the greater light.

On another note I read that the First Presidency together with a number of apostles went to the Gate Way Mall movie theater in SLC a few weeks ago to see a private viewing of the new movie “Amazing Grace”. I feel we should embrace all things Christian and take ownership of such things as the cross, grace and being born again in the greater light God has given us. Just look up these words in our topical guide and I think you will see what I mean.


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